Just Jymnastics

Classes Start September 7, 2022!


What important dates this year do I need to know?
Awards Week – Dec 16-21, May 16-22
Christmas Break – Dec. 22-Jan. 2. Classes start on Jan. 2
Picture Week – TBD
Easter Break – April 17-20
Last day of school year gymnastics – Sat. May 24
First day of summer gymnastics – Mon. June 2
Last day of summer gymnastics – Fri. Aug. 22
Can I register at any time?

Yes, we have open enrollment, so you can enroll or drop at any time!

What happens if my child misses a class?

We want you to get what you paid for, so we offer MAKE-UP CLASSES! Call 341-5914 or stop by the front desk to schedule a make-up.

How long is the session?

We offer a school-year session and a summer session. We will hold your spot for you for the entire session unless you let us know that you need to drop. School year classes do not carry over to summer; you must re-enroll. Summer classes do not carry over to school year either.

Do I pay monthly?

Yes, our classes are billed on the first of each month.

Is there a registration fee?

There is an annual membership fee of $25 per student/$40 family maximum, due at the time of registration and then annually after that as long as the child is enrolled.

How do I drop my child from his or her class?

Stop by the front desk or call 341-5914 to drop your child. In order to not be charged for the month, just do so prior to the first of the month. DROPPING ONLINE IS NOT AVAILABLE.

Do your coaches do Private Lessons?

Yes! Call 341-5914 or stop by the front desk to find out about Private Lessons.

Can my child do 2 classes per week? What is the benefit of this?

Absolutely! The 2nd class is 20% off! Adding a 2nd class increases strength much faster.

Do you offer a discount for multiple children in the same family?

Yes! We offer 20% any additional children in the same family!

What are your school year business hours?

Monday: 9 am – 9 pm
Tuesday: 9 am – 9 pm
Wednesday: 9 am – 9 pm
Thursday: 9 am -9 pm
Friday: 9 am – 6 pm except for events
Saturday: 9 am- 1 pm plus possible birthday parties

What are your summer business hours?

Monday: 9 am-8 pm
Tuesday: 9 am-7 pm
Wednesday: 9 am- 8 pm
Thursday: 9 am-7 pm

Can I sign a waiver electronically if my child will be riding with another parent to a birthday party?

Yes! JustĀ click here.

How do your coaches track my child's progress?

We have a skill chart for every child in our recreational program. Our coaches record when skills are learned. In December and May we have an Award’s Week held during class time. Every child receives a ribbon for the skills they have achieved! Our Ninja’s also use the martial arts rank system to advance levels within our program; we call this a Ninja Mission. After successfully completing all of the skills in a level, your Ninja will be invited to a Mission by their Ninja Trainer! We hold missions every six weeks to accommodate your busy schedule (Friday evenings or Sunday afternoons) and there is an additional fee of $25 to attend a mission to cover the cost of the new headband and wristband.

What happens if there is an unexpected school closure like a snow day or a pandemic?

We will have your child do their normal class at home through zoom! Same coach, same day and time, just at home instead of at the gym.