Developmental Program
Donny Otis
Donny Otis is our Head Optional Team Coach, the TOPS director, and a co-owner of Just Jymnastics! He grew up in MN and started coaching gymnastics at Winona College. He continued to coach college gymnastics for 7 years and then moved into the JO world in Sioux Falls. We are thrilled to have his knowledge and enthusiasm for gymnastics!
Zoe Anderson
Zoe is a former gymnast from Hot Springs who had joined our competitive coaching team. She has her master’s degree from Chadron State College in Organizational Management. Zoe is excited to keep growing in the sport of gymnastics and pass on her love of the sport to her gymnasts!
Hanna Siemonsma
Hanna was a competitive gymnast at Just Jymnastics for many years! As a gymnast she loved helping her teammates so after graduating it was a natural fit for her to join our coaching staff!